Common Dream

Seeing someone eating food in a dream meaning

Seeing someone eating food in a dream meaning could be different. Such dreams can represent love, ability, and sustenance. Seeing someone eating food in...

Dream of attic

Dreaming of attic represents the spirituality, mind, and strong inner self. The dream of the attic represents hidden memories or stressed thinking. It could...

Dreaming of toys

Dreaming of toys means that you should take all problems lightly in your waking life. Toys are reflections of love and fun. When we...

Dream of strange creatures

Dream of strange creatures may encompass various interpretations. They could be actual beings, unfamiliar to the dreamer, or entirely fictional, existing only in the...

Woman seeing male organ in dream meaning

Women seeing male organs in dream meanings could be different. According to some dream interpreters, a woman seeing a male organ in a dream...

Dreaming of herbs

Dreaming of herbs in a dream symbolizes easy prosperity. If one sees lush green herbs, it indicates blessed abundance and plenty of goodness. However,...

Dream meaning of carrots

Interpreting the Dream meaning of carrots is a vision that various interpreters disagree upon, presenting contradictory views. Some see carrots in dreams as a...

Seeing someone vomit in a dream Islam

Seeing someone vomit in a dream in Islam may have different meanings. In many dreams which everyone experienced these dreams are normal. Seeing someone...

Spiritual meaning of jail in Dream Islam

There are different spiritual meanings of jail in dream Islam. The meanings of any dream vary depending on the situation and detail of the...