Seeing dead grandmother alive in dream Islam has different interpretations. Seeing dead grandmother alive in dream Islam is a common dream. Mostly these types of dreams come again and again. Due to this dream, the dreamer gets worried, and he wants to know why he is dreaming about a dead grandmother consistently. If your grandmother is alive and you had dreamed about her death, it does not mean he will die soon. You can seek guidance from any good Islamic scholar for the accurate meaning of this dream.
If you saw your dead grandmother in a black dress in your dream, it could be a symbol of sadness and depression. But if you see your dead grandmother in a white dress in your dream, it could be a symbol of joy, peace and happiness. If you see your dead grandmother holding your hand or she is hugging you in your dream, it could be a sign of comfort and peace. To know the exact meaning of seeing dead grandmother alive in dream Islam, you should analyze your life and the feelings of your dream. You can seek help from any good Islamic scholar or a professional advisor.
What are the symbolic meanings of dreaming about a dead grandmother alive in your dream?
Every dream has its symbolic meanings. We can not take the exact meaning of your dream as it is. Here are some symbolic meanings of dreaming about a dead grandmother alive in your dream.
Meaning of dreaming about dead grandmother:
Grandmother’s love is a very precious love. It is painful if you lost your grandmother in real life. Most people say that they are dreaming about a dead grandmother alive in their dream. Surely, this is a very common dream.
Dreaming about your dead grandmother can disturb you. If your grandmother is sick then your mind will show you wrong pictures. Your mind will relate your dream with the death of your grandmother in real life.
Meaning of dreaming about a dead grandmother in a death box :
If your grandmother died recently, then it is normal to make a dream for your mind. In this situation your mind will show you your grandmother alive. If you see your grandmother in a death box, it could mean that the death box represents the way beyond.
Meaning of dreaming about grandmother in black dress:
If you are dreaming that your dead grandmother is in black dress, it could reflect your sad nature and disappointment. You should focus on your personality and nature.
Meaning of dreaming about grandmother in white dress :
Basically, white color is a sign of peace and comfort. White color is also a sign of faultlessness. If you see that your dead grandmother is in white dress, it is a sign of her peace and comfort. If you saw a dead grandmother, it could be an indication of any kind of illness or disease. But white dress will represent peace for a dead grandmother.
Meaning of dreaming about dead grandmother is sad or crying :
If someone dreaming about his dead grandmother is crying his dream, it could be a sign of sorrow and deep feelings of depression. We have to pay attention to our personality and sorrows. And we should solve all the mess of our life.
Meaning of dreaming about a dead grandmother is laughing or smiling:
If a dreamer sees that his dead grandmother is alive and she is smiling in his dream, it could be a sign of peace and comfort from the side of the grandmother.
Thoughts of Ibn Sirin about dead grandmother comes alive in a dream:
Ibn Sirin is a great scholar of Islam. He is also a great interpreter of dreams. According to Ibn Sirin, if someone sees his dead grandmother in a dream, it could be a symbol of a wish to meet with his grandmother. Dreaming about a dead grandmother is a sign that the dreamer`s family will feel proud due to the dreamer in the coming time. If a dreamer sees that he is talking with his dead grandmother in his dream, it could be a sign that the dreamer will get a job out of the country. He will leave their family to earn money.
If someone dreams that his dead grandmother is alive and she is in very bad conditions, it could be interpreted as the death is near of the dreamer. Dreamer should seek help from Allah, and try to do best in his life.
Dreaming about dead people and their interpretations according to Ibrahim Karmani:
Ibrahim Karmani is also a very good Islamic scholar. He is a great interpreter. Everyone has dreams like dead people. This dream is a very common dream. Here are some different meanings of dreaming about a dead person alive.
General Meanings of dreaming about dead person alive according to Different Islamic scholars:
- According to Ibrahim Karmani the general meaning of this dream is that if you see the dead person is alive and he is smiling or happy, it could mean that he or she is happy and in a comfort zone with Allah.
- According to Hafiz Muabir, if a dreamer sees that the dead person is alive and he is taking up the dreamer`s neck and legs, it could mean that the dreamer will get a long life.
- Ismail Ash`at said if a dreamer is dreaming about a dead person inviting him for prayer, it is a sign that the dead person leads a pure and clean life.
- According to Ibn Sirin, dreaming about a dead person is crying with pain, it could be interpreted as the dead person will be inquired of his bad deeds in waking life when he lived.
- If someone sees that dead person is pointing to a dreamer in a dream, it could be a sign that the dreamer should prepare the funeral of the dead person and Allah will give reward to him for this deed.
Dreaming about dead person is asking or giving clothes to a dreamer :
Hafiz Muabbar (R.A) said, if someone dreams that a dead person is without clothes and asking for clothes, it will sign that he or she is not in good condition. Dreamers should pray for him or her. And yes, Sadaqa is a big thing for dead persons.
According to Prophet Daniyal (A.S), if a dreamer sees that the dead person is giving clothes to him, it could mean as,
- If a dreamer wears those clothes in a dream, then the dreamer will face the difficulties and sorrows in his life.
- If a dreamer refuses to wear that clothes, it could mean the death of the dreamer.
According to Jafir Sadiq (R.A), if a dreamer dreams that a dead person is alive and he or she wears clothes in multiple colors, it could have different interpretations. For example :
- If a dead person is wearing green clothes, it means her or his death is martyr death.
- If a dead person wears a white dress in the dream, it could mean that the dead person is in good condition.
- But if the color of the dress is blue, yellow, red or black, it means the dead person is in terrible condition.
- If a dreamer sees that dead person is asking a dreamer to wash the clothes of the dead person, it means the dead person wants some help. Dreamers should pay some charity and also seek forgiveness for him or her.
- If a dead person wants help for wearing clothes in a dream, it could mean the death of a dreamer. Dreamers will die soon.
- If a dreamer sees that he is washing the clothes of a dead person, it means the condition of the dead person will get better.
Frequently asked question about seeing dead grandmother alive in dream Islam:
Q 1: Seeing dead grandmother alive in dream Islam is a good dream or a bad dream?
Ans : Well it depends, every dream has different interpretations. Interpretations are depending on the situation of the dream, life circumstances of the dreamer etc. To know the exact meaning of your dream, you can consult with any Islamic scholar or professional advisor.
Q 2: What will be the meanings of a dream about a dead person?
Ans: If you are dreaming about a dead person, it means you have a desire to meet him or her again. If a dead person has died recently then it could represent your feelings of pain and sorrow.
Q 3: What is the meaning of this dream that a dead person is alive in my dream and he is giving me something in my hand?
Ans: This dream has a good omen. If a dead person is giving you something in your dream, it could mean you will get many more money from good and halal sources.Â
Seeing dead grandmother alive in dream Islam left you in sorrow. After this dream you want to know what is the interpretation of this dream, why my grandmother came alive in my dream. This dream has different interpretations. And as you know details, emotions of the dream, and circumstances of the dreamers waking life can influence the interpretation of the dream.
Seeing grandmother in your dream is also a sign of strength. Grandmother is a symbol of personality full of experiences, and a guide in our every difficult situation. Dreaming about grandmother is also a sign of change.