Dream of soul

Dream of soul in sleep signifies peace, the end of fatigue, and the attainment of imminent relief. When the soul takes flight in a dream, it symbolizes freedom and the release from constraints that burden the dreamer. If you witness your soul leaving your body, it indicates loss and sorrow in your life. On the other hand, dreaming of the soul exiting the body during the final moments and bearing witness (tashahhud) suggests a positive and blessed conclusion. Only Allah knows the true meaning of these dreams.

Interpreting Dream Visions of the Soul

Dream interpreters suggest that seeing the soul in a dream signifies comfort and tranquillity, possibly reflecting one’s livelihood and sustenance. If a dream involves the soul being taken, it may indicate the departure of peace and encountering various troubles. The sight of a white soul symbolizes happiness, contentment, and acceptance of divine fate. Dreaming of the soul ascending to the sky suggests achieving great elevation, but it requires effort and struggle, with the condition of not dying in the dream.

In dreams, an evil spirit

symbolizes harm and malevolence. Pursuing malevolent spirits may indicate exposure to harm while escaping them signifies safety from harm.

The vision of a child’s soul in a dream

Indicates the spread of joy and happiness in the place it is seen. On the contrary, a dream where a strange child’s soul exits the body may point to prevailing worries and additional burdens. If the soul returns, it symbolizes the end of sorrow and pain.

A deceased person’s soul in a dream

Suggests continued remembrance among people or family. Seeing the spirits of the deceased implies a focus on the afterlife and detachment from worldly matters. Feeling fear upon seeing a known person’s soul indicates weak faith and a lack of religious commitment.

Dreaming of spirits in the house

Suggests gatherings or a large family, while spirits in the street may represent numerous friends and people in one’s life. If spirits are seen in the graveyard, it may indicate going through difficulty and hardship.

The dream of Azrael taking the soul

Signifies a grave sin committed by the dreamer. If the dream involves the Angel of Death taking one’s soul, it serves as a warning to abandon sins. Seeing Azrael taking the soul of someone known suggests corruption in their religion and misconduct.

When the Spirit Soars

Dreaming of a spirit flying signifies the promise of freedom and release from captivity. This vision may also indicate upcoming journeys and marriages. If one sees the spirit of a deceased person flying in the dream, it suggests receiving news about their family. On the other hand, witnessing an unknown person’s spirit flying signifies attaining joy and happiness. Attempting to prevent your spirit from flying in the dream indicates the existence of constraints and limitations on your freedom.

The sight of a white spirit flying in the sky in a dream symbolizes abundant goodness and righteousness. Dreaming of numerous spirits flying in the sky reflects plentiful hopes, aspirations, and ambitions. If someone sees the spirits of their deceased loved ones flying in the dream, it implies making supplications for them and giving charity.

Observing the departure and ascent of the spirit into the sky in a dream indicates frequent prayers and supplications to the Lord of the worlds. The vision of the spirit soaring in the sky in a dream suggests the fulfilment of desires and the answering of prayers. Allah knows best.

When the Soul Leaves the Body

Dreaming of the soul leaving the body suggests feelings of sadness, and fatigue, and may symbolize a sense of impending loss or difficulty in worldly matters. Experiencing pain during the soul’s departure in a dream signifies going through numerous hardships, possibly reflecting a life filled with sins and transgressions. Conversely, an easy exit of the soul in a dream indicates a positive conclusion and a favourable afterlife. Witnessing the soul leaving the body with fear in the dream implies negligence in religious duties and acts of worship.

If one sees their soul exiting from their foot and perishing in the dream, it signifies a deficiency in obedience and worship. The dream of the soul leaving the fingertips and facing death indicates a shortfall in performing prayers and religious obligations.

Seeing the soul emerge from the mouth in a dream may suggest ingratitude and potential harm through spoken words against religion. On the other hand, choking during the soul’s departure from the mouth symbolizes gossiping about people and tarnishing their reputations.

The vision of the soul leaving the hand in a dream is a sign of engaging in wrongdoing and participating in illicit activities. If the dream involves the soul departing from the foot, it indicates a pursuit of corruption and a deviation from religious principles.

The Departure of the Soul and Testimony

Dreaming of the soul departing from the body and reciting the testimony signifies a positive conclusion and a good outcome. If one utters the testimony but fails to complete it when the soul exits the body, it indicates a deficiency in religious practice and devotion. In a dream, the inability to recite the testimony during the soul’s departure suggests a deviation from the path of truth. Forgetting to pronounce the two testimonies during this event symbolizes ingratitude and denial of blessings.

Witnessing the raising of the finger and the testimony during the soul’s departure in a dream indicates fear of God and adherence to one’s faith. If, in the dream, you recite the testimony during the soul’s departure without being able to raise your finger, it signifies the struggle against personal desires and temptations.

The heaviness of the tongue and the inability to pronounce the testimony during the soul’s departure in a dream suggests a lack of religious commitment and weakened faith. Dreaming of difficulty in uttering the two testimonies during the soul’s departure indicates the dreamer’s attachment to worldly matters and indulgence in sinful behaviour.

Dreaming of instructing someone to recite the testimony during their soul’s departure and death indicates a striving for guidance and righteousness. If someone hears another person being taught the testimony during their soul’s departure in a dream, it signifies receiving guidance and enlightenment.

The Departure and Return of the Soul

Dreaming of the soul leaving and returning signifies the return of a traveller or the comeback of a dear one. Feeling pain during the soul’s exit and comfort upon its return indicates the end of hardships. If one sees their soul leaving but returns without passing away, it suggests severe illness and recovery.

The departure and return of the soul in a dream for a patient signify the end of suffering. For the distressed, it signifies relief from worries, and for a traveller, it symbolizes returning home and finding peace after fatigue.

Seeing the soul return to a deceased person in a dream reflects their well-being and status in the afterlife. If someone’s soul exits and returns to the dream, it implies their liberation from the pressures they endured.

Interpreting Dreams of Spirits and Ghosts

Dreaming of spirits and ghosts suggests the presence of evildoers and enemies around the dreamer. If spirits are seen in one’s house, it may indicate an association with someone harbouring ill intentions. Ghosts in a dark place signify susceptibility to deceit and trickery. Fear of ghostly spirits in a dream indicates safety from enemies while screaming implies a need for help.

Being chased by spirits in a dream indicates numerous fears and confusion. Dreaming of being pursued by spirits and ghosts suggests the abundance of worries plaguing the dreamer’s mind.

Escaping from spirits and ghosts in a dream suggests avoiding worries through righteous actions. Hiding from ghosts implies salvation from enmity and traps.

Sitting with spirits in a dream indicates associating with corrupt individuals, and conversing with ghosts suggests involvement in controversies and objectionable matters.

The Departure of the Soul in Sleep

Dreams about a person’s soul leaving their body can be quite intense. When someone sees this in a dream, it signifies fear, panic, and a lack of security. If the person pronounces the testimony in the dream, it suggests steadfastness in faith. Crying in the dream indicates regret for a committed sin, and the fear associated with the soul leaving suggests a weakness in religious beliefs.

If a known person’s soul departs in a dream, it reflects their troubled situation. The departure of a stranger’s soul implies facing challenges and hardships. If a loved one’s soul leaves, it signifies family difficulties and sorrow.

A Call for Prayers and Charity

The dream of a dead person’s soul leaving the body signals a need for prayers and charity. If the dream involves the soul of a deceased father, it symbolizes the need for support and protection.

For unmarried women, seeing a soul in a dream brings tranquillity. However, if the soul is taken forcefully, it may suggest a violation of rights and freedom. Feeling the ascent of the soul during sleep indicates going through distress and worries. Experiencing pain during the soul’s departure suggests a burden of sins.

The dream of a flying soul for a single girl indicates liberation from constraints and imprisonment. If she sees spirits flying in the sky, it signifies joy and happiness. Seeing spirits and ghosts in dreams warns of deceitful friends. Fear of spirits implies escaping from hostility and harm.

Interpreting the Dream of the Soul Leaving the Body for Single Women

The vision of the soul leaving the body for unmarried women can signify distancing from something they love, leading to sadness and pain. If the soul exits from the finger, it may indicate negligence in performing religious duties. Dreaming of the body ascending to the sky suggests frequent prayers and wishes.

If the unmarried girl witnesses her soul leaving and returning in the dream, it may indicate achieving her desires. Dreaming of death and the departure of the soul signifies corruption in her faith. If she sees the angel of death taking her soul, it represents immense sorrow and grief.

The dream of the soul departing and testifying in faith indicates a firm commitment to belief and righteousness. However, an inability to pronounce the testimony suggests succumbing to sin and wrongdoing.

If the girl sees the soul of a deceased person living in the dream, it implies negligence in praying for them. Witnessing the departure of a lover’s soul suggests they are going through hardships and need assistance. Allah knows best.

The Presence of the Soul in Dreams for Married Women

Dreams of the soul for married women carry significant meanings. Witnessing the rise of the soul in a dream suggests potential harm to a family member. Sensing the ascent of the soul during sleep indicates exhaustion and distress. If a married woman sees evil spirits surrounding her in a dream, it signifies involvement with corrupt individuals.

Feeling difficulty in capturing the soul in a dream implies attachment to worldly matters. Conversely, easily capturing one’s soul suggests positive outcomes. Dreaming of spirits flying indicates a joyful and content life while seeing deceased souls in the sky suggests fear and panic.

Encountering spirits and ghosts in dreams for married women symbolizes enemies and evildoers. Escaping from them signifies overcoming hostilities and deceit.

The Departure of the Soul from the Body for Married Women

The dream of the soul leaving the body signifies profound sadness. Dreaming of death and the soul leaving the body suggests spiritual distance from God. If a married woman sees Azrael taking her soul, it indicates challenging circumstances. The dream of a soul leaving a dead body signifies negligence in worship.

Seeing the soul exit from a finger suggests religious shortcomings. If the woman observes her soul leaving her mouth in a dream, it signifies her ill-treatment of others. The dream of the soul leaving the body and ascending to the sky indicates ambitious aspirations. However, if the soul returns to the body, it may symbolize the return of a missing person or a travelling son.

The dream of the soul leaving and bearing witness suggests a woman’s good religious standing. Struggling to articulate the testimony during the soul’s departure indicates a flawed faith and numerous sins.

The Soul’s Presence in Dreams for Divorced Women

Dreams of the soul for divorced women signify the disappearance of worries and distress. A dream of a white soul indicates the purity of character. If a divorced woman sees malevolent spirits in her dream, it warns of someone wishing her harm. Azrael appearing in a dream signifies her deviation and corrupt faith.

Witnessing spirits flying suggests liberation from constraints or restrictions. If a divorced woman dreams of being afraid of flying ghosts, it indicates her safety from plots and harm.

The dream of the soul leaving the body and ascending to the sky suggests high aspirations. The return of the soul to the body indicates an imminent relief. If the woman struggles to extract her soul in the dream, it suggests immersion in vices. Dreaming of the soul’s departure and bearing witness indicates a good end, as Allah knows best.

The Departure of the Soul in Dreams for Pregnant Women

Dreams of the soul departing for pregnant women may signal difficulties in childbirth and health issues during pregnancy. The dream of the soul ascending to the sky signifies continuous prayers for relief. If the soul leaves and returns, it implies a safe and healthy childbirth.

If a pregnant woman dreams of Azrael taking someone else’s soul, it may indicate passing through hardships. The dream of the soul’s departure and bearing witness signifies strong faith and good religious standing.

A white soul in a dream for a pregnant woman indicates good intentions and a pure heart. If she fears evil spirits in the dream, it implies the fetus’s safety from harm. The sight of the soul flying indicates the approaching delivery date and relief from suffering. If she sees souls and ghosts in her house, it may suggest going through crises and dealing with troublemakers, as Allah knows best.

Interpreting the Vision of the Departure of the Soul in Dreams: Insights from Various Scholars

Ibn Nu’ma’s Interpretation:

Ibn Nu’ma interprets the vision of death in dreams, correlating it with the departure of the soul. The interpretation varies based on the dream’s context, offering diverse insights:

If one sees the soul departing in a dream, it may signify conflict for the dreamer.
Alternatively, the vision might indicate imprisonment for the dreamer.
If the departing soul appears healthy, recovery from illness is possible with Allah’s permission.
A soul exiting gracefully could signify travel, healing, or release from prison by Allah’s grace.

Ibn Sirin’s Perspective:

Ibn Sirin provides several interpretations for the dream of death, shedding light on the departure of the soul:

Seeing one’s soul depart with washing and shrouding may suggest religious corruption.
If the Imam’s soul departs, it could indicate calamity in the Imam’s town.
Dreaming of a dead person reviving may signify marriage to the deceased’s offspring, Allah knows best.
A forceful soul departure might symbolize a fire in that area, according to Allah’s knowledge.
If the soul departs without clothing, it may indicate poverty for the dreamer.
A soul departing on a carpet may symbolize a prosperous life.

Al-Nabulsi’s Exegesis:

Abdulghani Al-Nabulsi offers a general interpretation of death dreams, applying it to the departure of the soul:

Seeing one’s spouse’s soul departing could signify benefiting from their legacy.
If a person’s soul departs peacefully in bed without illness, it may symbolize a long and healthy life with Allah’s permission.
A soul departing while having a spouse could imply separation, and Allah knows best.
A person reviving someone who embraced Islam or converted from Judaism or Christianity might be indicated in the dream by Allah’s permission.

In conclusion,

Dreams featuring the departure of the soul offer a complex tapestry of symbols and interpretations, as elucidated by scholars such as Ibn Nu’ma, Ibn Sirin, and Al-Nabulsi. These visions, ranging from conflicts and imprisonments to healings and prosperity, not only delve into individual experiences but also touch upon broader themes of religious commitment and societal calamities. The presence of spirits, ghosts, and Azrael introduces additional layers of complexity, emphasizing warnings, struggles against personal desires, and the importance of repentance. Whether the dreamer is single, married, divorced, or pregnant, these dreams provide unique insights, urging individuals to reflect on their lives, seek spiritual guidance, and aspire to a positive and blessed outcome. Ultimately, the true meaning remains known only to Allah, underscoring the mysterious depth of the human psyche.

I am Muazzam Hossain Jahid, a versatile content creator and content writer with a deep passion for delivering engaging and informative content to diverse audiences. Alongside my creative pursuits, I am also a dedicated Islamic scholar, committed to promoting a deeper understanding of Islamic teachings. With a blend of creativity and religious knowledge, I strive to bridge the gap between modern communication and timeless wisdom.

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